[3Dモデル] KDC Vergilius Cuff Set | 拘束 [VRC]
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あなたのアバターを個性的に演出する、ファンシーなラバーとクロームの襟とカフスのセット! Fancy rubber and chrome collar and cuff set to personalize your avatar! カフスと襟はVRChatのphysbonesを使用し、リングと南京錠は重力に従い、襟とカフスは首と手足の周りで傾く。 The cuffs and collar use VRChat's physbones, the rings and padlocks follow gravity and the collar & cuffs will tilt around your neck & limbs. セット内容は9点: 襟、手首&肘カフス、太もも&足首カフス。 This set includes 9 pieces: Collar, wrist & elbow cuffs, thigh & ankle cuffs. Modular Avatarを使えば、unity editor 内のあらゆるアバターに簡単に対応できます! Easy to adapt to just about any avatar within the Unity Editor using Modular Avatar! 購入前に必ず以下の詳細をお読みください。 Please read the details below before purchasing.
Unity 2022.3.22f1 Vrchat SDK - Base (tested on 3.7.6-beta.2) Vrchat SDK - Avatars (tested on 3.7.6-beta.2) - Modular Avatar (tested on 1.11.16) (https://modular-avatar.nadena.dev) - (Optional) Poyomi Pro
Separate wrist, elbow, thigh and collar variants as well as several all-in-one versions (full set, upperbody, wrists-only, collar-only) in FBX format. Polygons: 39241 (full set) 7604(wrists), 7604(ankles), 0(thighs), 0(elbows), 5255(collar) Textures: 256x256 x3 (metal albedo/smoothness/normal) 1024x1024 (rubber albedo/smoothness) Included materials: Standard shader & Poiyomi ModularAvatar support! ModularAvatarに対応しました!